Emotional Cord Cutting
Do you wish you could free yourself from feeling tired, drained, weighed down by people or events from the past? Emotional Cord Cutting can help you do this, and more.
Emotional Cord Cutting releases you from connections and situations from the past that could be dragging you down. It also enhances your present relationships. It is a very freeing and empowering experience, and an important healing modality.
Your energy may be drained by old relationships. You might not be able to disconnect from someone no matter what you do. You may be grieving a loss. There might be an event or situation that you’re having trouble leaving behind. This is very common.
When we form connections with other people, whether it be romantic relationships, friendships, family, work or any other connections, many actual energetic cords are formed which connect you to all these people. Your energy travels to these people through these cords. These connections can stay with you for many years, even after you think these people are no longer in your life. These energy cords can also keep you connected to situations from the past - situations that you may wish to release. This can significantly drain your energy and emotional resources.
You may have hundreds of these cords, depending on the work you do and relationships you’ve had. Imagine all the energy you may be feeding to these people from your past, allowing your present energy resources to drain.
Emotional Cord Cutting also strengthens the positive connections in your life by forming new, healthier energy cords.
During a session, all your energetic cords are removed, and then the cords to people with whom you wish to remain connected quickly reform. These positive cords reform with new energy from your present state of being, letting go of all the old stagnant energy between you and those people. The Emotional Cord Cutting enables you to start over energetically with those you wish to keep in your life, which greatly enhances those connections. This is ideal for family, romantic and business relationships.
Emotional Cord Cutting complements other healing sessions you receive, as it prevents the endless energy drain to unwanted attachments. Thus, you have more energy within yourself to process other healing sessions.
For energy workers, Emotional Cord Cutting enables you to disconnect from clients when not in session. As all energy workers know, maintaining your energy is extremely important and can be very challenging.
You may find that the healing also has an effect on family and friends. Since we are all connected and not separate, when you change, those around you change.
Emotional Cord Cutting sessions can be performed from a distance if an in-person session is not possible. You will receive the same powerful effects as an in-person Emotional Cord Cutting.
Feel free and let go of unwanted emotional energies with the healing of the Emotional Cord Cutting today!