This creates a one-size-does-not-ever-fit-all situation; there are always many different ways to apply Feng Shui Science. The art The Feng Shui Consultation includes visiting the place and listening to the client on different levels. On the design level, Georgie takes into account such things as the furnishings and the structure of buildings, i.e. doors, windows, walls, stoves, beds, desks, shapes. “These are elements I am physically seeing on site or on a floor plan. On the spiritual level, there are unseen factors that come through only on a feeling level or through sacred inner wisdom. At this level, not only am I depending on a grounded understanding of the fundamentals of Feng Shui but also on my connection to spirit and my client’s stories and situations.” Consequently there are design solutions such as moving furniture, using color and light. Also there are spiritual solutions, i.e. the use of incense, bells, Sacred Chants of Mantras, space clearing, ceremonies and blessings. When Georgie makes recommendations, He takes into account what is seen and unseen creating a holistic picture of the situation.
• Every person and every building is different, each bringing their unique background, karma and experience to the situation of Feng Shui knows how to apply the science in any given situation. What a client might need and what is really going on is not always visible. Georgie’s intention is to be clear that his intuition is connected with true guidance and the highest good of the person and the place.
A Complete Feng Shui Consultation For Your Home Will:
• Help you get your life on track
• Bring peace and relaxation to your home
• Increase prosperity
• Enhance your career
• Bring harmony to your relationships
• Align your home with Nature to support your highest good
• We will discuss the issues you want help with and the history of your home. I will survey your home and property and give you the evaluation and recommendations. You will receive specific recommendations and solutions to correct the energetic imbalances in your home and enhance the energy flow for your highest good. If money is an issue, I will do my best to give you recommendations within your budget emphasizing how to make the most out of what you already have. I will let you know if follow up appointments and space clearing are advised. Each appointment with Georgie includes some time over the phone or email for follow up questions. A complete Feng Shui consultation for the home will take around 1 to 3 hours depending on your space.
Feng Shui is a science of organizing and directing positive energies. These cosmic or astrological energies combined with the magnetic energies can affect our Prosperity, Wealth, Health, Relationships, etc. The science of Feng Shui works with the five elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether or Space. These five elements, along with the four directions create a perfect balance and can bring well-being to individuals, families and business. The flow of these positive energies through one’s living space supports and enhances one’s personal life force. Feng Shui s the interaction between you, the environment and the cosmos.
Initial consultation: When you request a consultation, you will be asked to submit the following information:
• A copy of the floor plan of your house/office. If you do not have a copy, a small fee will be added for making floor plan.
• The year when the house/building was built approximately.
• The date, time and location of your birth, and your partner’s if any, children or family member living with you. For office and restaurant spaces I’ll need the names of the employees working with you.
• The most important and minor issues that you are worried about.
With the above information, Georgie will complete an introductory reading prior to the site reading.
• Second step - Site consultation: We will arrange a visit to the home/office and take a Feng Shui reading and make recommendations. The site consultation usually takes 1 to 2 hours, depending on the size of the concerned space and issues.
• Third step – House Blessing- Georgie is available for blessing after the first initial consultation. An additional energy exchange is required for this service.
Georgie will explain energy exchange for any of these services over the phone. (Fees, see at the end of this page). Georgie is available to travel overseas as well.