The flaming sword (Khadga) of Lord Manjushri represents “cutting through delusions” — the beginning of wisdom. Helps with daily stress and is excellent for children to help them with their studies and focus.
Manjushree Puja Ceremony grants you clarity of mind and improves your memorizing ability, as well as your intellectual ability, and all in all will lead you to good results. Excellent for Children to help and would have the effect of quicker and better understanding of their studies and focus. Good for people who are not thinking clearly and not grounded due to daily stress and overload with work and responsibilities. Everyone should have this puja done at least once a year.
Manjushree Bodhisattva embodies the wisdom aspect of an enlightened mind. This is the ability to see into the true nature of the reality of the persons and the phenomena. He has the ability to discriminate against correct views of reality as it is.
In order to benefit sentient beings, he too manifests in many different forms.
One of them is a single-faced Manjushri which symbolizes his wisdom as a non-dual. He holds the flaming sword in his right hand to symbolize cutting off the root of delusion which is the cause of suffering, ignorance, and of self-grasping.
He holds the scriptural text entitled “Perfection of Wisdom” which cuts off all delusions.
Manjushree is the embodiment of the great wisdom of the highest Enlightenment. According to the elements he can appear in all kinds of colors
like blue or green but the most popular forms are the orange and the white Manjushri.
Sometimes, Manjushri is depicted riding on a lion, the king of the beasts, symbolizing that Manjushree teaches the Dharma without fear or favor, with pristine royalty. In his fierce form, Manjushree can emanate in various wrathful forms, like Yamantaka.
The Bodhisattva Manjushree appears to those who meditate on him. Even though we cannot see him, yet, he instills and stimulates us to develop the wisdom to free ourselves from karmic bondages. For this reason, images of the Bodhisattva Manjushri can often be seen in meditation halls,
libraries and scripture study rooms in monasteries.