True Meditation: Offering flower of love to the Divine
Meditation is a process that takes place beyond the senses. Between the concentration at the sensory level and meditation that is above the senses, there is a borderline where chintana (contemplation) takes place. Contemplation is the second half of chit (intellect), whose other function is discrimination between right and wrong.
An illustration will make this clear. There is a rose plant, with branches, leaves, flowers, and thorns. Locating the place where there is a flower calls for concentration. At this stage, we are concerned only with finding the flower. But the flower has to be plucked without touching the thorns. Love is the flower. Desire is the thorn. There is no rose without a thorn.
How to get the flower of Love without touching the thorn of desire is the problem many people have.
This is where contemplation is needed. Having plucked the flower, how shall we use it? By offering it to the Divine.
Meditation means offering the flower of love to the Divine. In the rose plant of our body, there is the rose of pure and sacred Love emitting the fragrance of good qualities. Below the rose, however, are thorns in the form of sensual desires. The purpose of meditation is to separate the rose of selfless love from the senses and offer it to the Divine. Come and learn with me and learn how to heal yourself with Meditation.