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To help remove people from your life who are not in your highest good. It is Vajrapani that gives us the will to progress even against the heavy weight of our vast harmful past karmas (past damaging deeds.) the peaceful form of Vajrapani is indestructibly irresistible and will remove anyone from your life. 
Puja is the act of showing reverence to a god, a spirit, or another aspect of the divine through invocations, prayers, songs, and rituals. The benefit of puja is to remove obstacles. We perform the pujas on behalf of those who request them. Some of the benefits for doing specific pujas include: Obtaining happiness and peace by getting rid of malefic forces. Removing troubles that prevent us from starting on a spiritual path or business Gaining material spiritual, prosperity and abundance. Creating positive vibrations in the house, when starting new ventures such as a new job, business. Removing obstacles if suffering from losses, when starting a new business or investments. Improving the general health of body and mind, for a speedy recovery from illness. Increasing leadership skills. We can enhance the benefit of the Puja by following the advise of Georgie Ayala after puja is performed.


  • Each Puja ceremony takes about 4 to 5 hours duration. Pujas has to be performing on auspicious days for maximum results. Remember to email the full birth name, day of birth, time if you know (but am or pm will do) place of birth. Have faith and allow the blessing ceremony energy move your obstacles. Namaste

    It is recommended to order the Durga Bisa Yantra with this Puja. ​

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